Tuesday, January 22, 2008

+Gracie and Blue boy+

Gracie loves our cat. She will totally freak out when she see him. She calls him be boo. It is so cute. It does not matter how hungry she was when she sees him it is all over. She will chase him and follow him everywhere including under the table and upstairs. When she was younger she would try to feed him with a fake baby bottle that she had. She will still try to feed him whatever she can, but he is a picky eater, so he never eats what she gives him.

She also loves to give him hugs and lay on him. Blue boy is the nicest cat in the world; he does not care what you do to him. But when Gracie screams he tends to run away. She will follow him up the steps. She will blow him kisses and tap her leg like she is calling a dog. When I was little I was the biggest animal lover. Growing up I always caught something new and had it as a pet. I believe that she is going to be the same. She already loves all animals’ dogs, cats, horses, frogs, chickens everything.

We went to a pumpkin patch this fall and there was a chicken there and she was following it the whole time, I think his name was Roger, big fluffy feet. There where kitty cats, goats, bunnies, chickens, ducks and a camel. She was kind of a little weary about the camel. Every animal that Gracie has encountered she has loved, and I think that is very cool. Gracie is starting to be like me already. Grammar and punctuation corrected.


ForwardThought said...

My family has just inquired a cat and the children love it. Though we have had it now for 6 months, I still think we need to name it, so right now we either call her kitty or the cat. Kids love animals in general, and I think it is great that your daughter has a companion she can love and play with.

Cap'n Fatback said...

This is a stronger post of yours (in terms of focus and grammar). The last paragraph, however, seems to veer a bit. Perhaps you need a transition that compares Gracie's behavior with Blue Boy to her behavior with the animals at the farm.