Monday, January 7, 2008

Gracie's Day when Mommy has to go to School

This morning Gracie and I woke up at eight thirty am. After we woke up I got Gracie dressed for the day. Then we made breakfast, eggs, yum. Then we went on with our daily routine, doing laundry, feeding the animals, and putting away clothes. Gracie is not always so good with that because she thinks it is funny to dump the clothes that I have just folded out of the basket. Gracie always enjoys helping me do laundry she likes to push to wet clothes into the dryer. We put away groceries. Gracie likes to take the can goods and put them in the cupboard and we folded the paper bags and put them away. We then went into the living room and I put in the movie The Jungle Book so Gracie would be kind of content while I was getting ready for school. About a fourth of the way into the movie Gracie wants to see what I am doing so we go upstairs while I do my makeup. When I am finally all ready for the day we go downstairs and I make her lunch before I leave for school. I made her macaroni and cheese her almost favorite. Then we have gram pa get ready to watch her for the day while I am at school. We say bye, bye and I love you, and then I am on my way to school and don't get to see her until about eleven at night and by that time she should be in bed. :( So I get home and get her clothes ready for tomorrow. Try to get homework done before she awakes because it is almost virtually impossible to do homework with Gracie around, she like to take my books and paper and run off with them. Grammar and punctuation corrected.


MD Kyle said...

You should try finding a more specific blog title.

Steamboat said...

Jungle Book was one of my favorite movies as a child. She picked a great movie. It sucks that you don't get to see your daughter at night because of late classes or something other. I couldn't imagine only seeing my child for a few hours in the morning. That has to be a little rough on you. Sorry to hear that.

ForwardThought said...

It is cool when your children help you do the chors even when they usually make it harder for you, but over time they get the hang of it and plus it gives them a good work ethics at a young age. And I can totally idenify with the movie to calm down the children, The Jungle Book was one of my children's favorites.

Cap'n Fatback said...


A good start, and a glimpse into your daily routine (and the effect that has on your relationship with your daughter). Work on grammar in future posts; it'll count.


Unknown said...

I've read all three of the posts you have so far and I must say I like this one the best. Perhaps its because I can relate since I do this everyday. But it really is more than the mere fact that I can relate; I really 'see' a person here. A young woman who has passion and love, and saddness too. Your title for this blog is very good (it has a bit of sad irony that it is your daughter's day and you have to leave).
It also seems that you took more time with this blog that you latest one. There's more detail that helps bring it to life and less 'writing problems' that distract from hearing your voice.