Thursday, January 31, 2008

Gracie is so smart!

My daughter Gracie is the world to me. She is so advanced beyond her time. Because of that I would like to share some of the things that really amaze me. I will be basing most of my information on the book, What to Expect: the Toddles Years, written by Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi E. Murkoff, and Sandee E. Hathaway, B.S.N. This book is based on month by month progression of age. This is a very highly recognized book of many doctors and medical assistants.

Gracie is twenty-two months old. The book, What to Expect: the Toddlers Years, says that she should be able to say six words by the age of twenty one and a half months. Gracie can speak every one and two syllable words. I have books from A to Z showing animals and objects of that letter and when I read them to Gracie she repeats every word which I think is just awesome. For the twenty second month it states that, the child may possibly be able to identify four pictures by pointing. Gracie can identify many more than four pictures and she can also identify them by speaking the right term that goes with the picture. The book also states that, the child may even be able to jump. Well she does that too especially when we are dancing to music. Another step that the book states is that she will be able to follow two step commands, but Gracie can follow about any command that you tell her whether it be two step commands or five. At twenty three months the book says that she will be able to identify six body parts. Well let me tell you Gracie had that down at nineteen months head, shoulders, knees, elbows, eyes, toes, hands, mouth, teeth, tongue, hair, ears, nose, feet, and butt. That is a lot I think for her to know and say by just asking her.

Gracie is very mechanical she wants to watch and learn everything you are doing. She likes to watch grandpa using screwdriver and tried to do the same thing. According to this book the imitating is an advanced stage. If she sees a battery lying around she wants to look at it. If a toy does not work she says battery and realizes that are different kinds of batteries. She plugs the R.C.A jacks into the T.V. with no problem; she even puts them in the right color hole. She even knows where the button on the dryer that turns the light on and off. When a baby doll has there clothes fastened with velcro she always takes it apart and wants to look at it and learn what it is about.

Gracie is also very polite for her age. I have taught her to say please and thank you. And she has caught onto that very fast she, is now speaking those terms all by herself when she either wants something or is receiving something. The book does not even talk about that for her age. Gracie does about everything with me and her being as observant as she is she picks up thing quickly. Gracie is not even two yet, but she blows her nose all by herself and can sense when she needs to. And she does a very good job at it too. She loves to read and look at books we do so every night before bedtime. Gracie only has to see someone do something once and she will do it just as well as the next. Gracie is much taller, and active than most her age. On the doctors chats Gracie is one hundred and twenty percent on her height. That is really tall for her age. I bought her some new pajamas yesterday and they were a five T. Wow I know that is tall. Another thing that she likes to do is pretend with her musical tea set that she got for Christmas. She will make me tea or coffee which ever I prefer. Gracie likes to try to potty like a big girl. On the potty, she has been doing this for about three months now and most children do not even think about that until about two in a half or three years old.

With everything that she can do it is very hard to keep up with her, but she is so smart, and advanced for her age it has been like having a baby, and then not even two years later she is four years old. In a way it is a very good thing, but in another way it’s a little scary, because I do not know how advanced she will end up being, or if all of this will just even out. My dad likes to say that she is a genius.

1 comment:

Bigdawg99 said...

Sounds like you've got a pretty damn smart little girl on your hands. Sounds like im going to have to test out her skills when i see her for the first time.