Thursday, January 31, 2008

Gracie is so smart!

My daughter Gracie is the world to me. She is so advanced beyond her time. Because of that I would like to share some of the things that really amaze me. I will be basing most of my information on the book, What to Expect: the Toddles Years, written by Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi E. Murkoff, and Sandee E. Hathaway, B.S.N. This book is based on month by month progression of age. This is a very highly recognized book of many doctors and medical assistants.

Gracie is twenty-two months old. The book, What to Expect: the Toddlers Years, says that she should be able to say six words by the age of twenty one and a half months. Gracie can speak every one and two syllable words. I have books from A to Z showing animals and objects of that letter and when I read them to Gracie she repeats every word which I think is just awesome. For the twenty second month it states that, the child may possibly be able to identify four pictures by pointing. Gracie can identify many more than four pictures and she can also identify them by speaking the right term that goes with the picture. The book also states that, the child may even be able to jump. Well she does that too especially when we are dancing to music. Another step that the book states is that she will be able to follow two step commands, but Gracie can follow about any command that you tell her whether it be two step commands or five. At twenty three months the book says that she will be able to identify six body parts. Well let me tell you Gracie had that down at nineteen months head, shoulders, knees, elbows, eyes, toes, hands, mouth, teeth, tongue, hair, ears, nose, feet, and butt. That is a lot I think for her to know and say by just asking her.

Gracie is very mechanical she wants to watch and learn everything you are doing. She likes to watch grandpa using screwdriver and tried to do the same thing. According to this book the imitating is an advanced stage. If she sees a battery lying around she wants to look at it. If a toy does not work she says battery and realizes that are different kinds of batteries. She plugs the R.C.A jacks into the T.V. with no problem; she even puts them in the right color hole. She even knows where the button on the dryer that turns the light on and off. When a baby doll has there clothes fastened with velcro she always takes it apart and wants to look at it and learn what it is about.

Gracie is also very polite for her age. I have taught her to say please and thank you. And she has caught onto that very fast she, is now speaking those terms all by herself when she either wants something or is receiving something. The book does not even talk about that for her age. Gracie does about everything with me and her being as observant as she is she picks up thing quickly. Gracie is not even two yet, but she blows her nose all by herself and can sense when she needs to. And she does a very good job at it too. She loves to read and look at books we do so every night before bedtime. Gracie only has to see someone do something once and she will do it just as well as the next. Gracie is much taller, and active than most her age. On the doctors chats Gracie is one hundred and twenty percent on her height. That is really tall for her age. I bought her some new pajamas yesterday and they were a five T. Wow I know that is tall. Another thing that she likes to do is pretend with her musical tea set that she got for Christmas. She will make me tea or coffee which ever I prefer. Gracie likes to try to potty like a big girl. On the potty, she has been doing this for about three months now and most children do not even think about that until about two in a half or three years old.

With everything that she can do it is very hard to keep up with her, but she is so smart, and advanced for her age it has been like having a baby, and then not even two years later she is four years old. In a way it is a very good thing, but in another way it’s a little scary, because I do not know how advanced she will end up being, or if all of this will just even out. My dad likes to say that she is a genius.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Gracie Sleeping*

I love my baby girl Gracie she is everything to me. So I get home and all I want to do is play with her, give her a kiss love on her but she is asleep. So sometimes I think I should wake her because she is the cutest then awe. You guys got to meet her she really is. But she also can be a little brat too. But most of the time she is pretty sweet. I hate Mondays and Wednesdays they suck I think it takes a part of my heart those days because I miss her so much, but then I think well it is ok because I need to go to school so I can support us since her dad does not seem to do anything for her. But that is another story that I probably will not get into because it just makes me mad that he does not even care for his own child.

Then I think well it is a good thing because I am tired too and don’t really feel like staying up for another three hours to get her to bed, and I am not the one who had to make her cry so she would go to bed so I guess it is a win-win situation but I just miss her so much. Then sometimes I feel like I don’t even get to see her on the weekends because I have to work then, I don’t know it just sucks sometimes. It is nice when we have long weekends I get to see her more then, but don’t get me wrong I do see my daughter everyday and the whole day as long as I am not working or at school. Some days it just catches up with you. Grammar and punctuation corrected.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

+Gracie and Blue boy+

Gracie loves our cat. She will totally freak out when she see him. She calls him be boo. It is so cute. It does not matter how hungry she was when she sees him it is all over. She will chase him and follow him everywhere including under the table and upstairs. When she was younger she would try to feed him with a fake baby bottle that she had. She will still try to feed him whatever she can, but he is a picky eater, so he never eats what she gives him.

She also loves to give him hugs and lay on him. Blue boy is the nicest cat in the world; he does not care what you do to him. But when Gracie screams he tends to run away. She will follow him up the steps. She will blow him kisses and tap her leg like she is calling a dog. When I was little I was the biggest animal lover. Growing up I always caught something new and had it as a pet. I believe that she is going to be the same. She already loves all animals’ dogs, cats, horses, frogs, chickens everything.

We went to a pumpkin patch this fall and there was a chicken there and she was following it the whole time, I think his name was Roger, big fluffy feet. There where kitty cats, goats, bunnies, chickens, ducks and a camel. She was kind of a little weary about the camel. Every animal that Gracie has encountered she has loved, and I think that is very cool. Gracie is starting to be like me already. Grammar and punctuation corrected.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

True Friends

Today I am choosing to take a little different path on this blog. True Friends are hard to come by and few that are true. There are very few out there that are really real. I have met many people in my time so far and there are only a hand full that are still around after all that has happened in my life. And those few sometimes make me wonder if there even those friends that I thought they were. You know when you call a friend and you really need to talk to them, and you leave a message and they never call back. Yeah I guess that should say a lot in it's self.

If that was the case no one would be a true friend. People always have some excuse there busy blah blah. Well how can you be so busy that you cant take two minutes to call someone and say are you okay, or what going on, or can I call you later? That's ridiculous! And people want to know why it's hard for me to trust people. Or you can tell your supposed to be friend something really secret or important, and they tell someone. Or what have you. It's all bullshit to me.

You can't trust any one sometimes not even yourself. And that's when you know it's scary, or you try so hard to trust someone again and they just do the same old thing, betray you. Even family, people are people and they will do what they will. I can't say that I have always been the great friend. I know I have let two people that I am thinking of right now down and, I wish I didn't. But from everything that I have done and experienced I think that I try to be the good friend but you know every body is just too busy or infatuated with themselves that they just don't see or care. Grammar and punctuation corrected.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Gracie's Day when Mommy has to go to School

This morning Gracie and I woke up at eight thirty am. After we woke up I got Gracie dressed for the day. Then we made breakfast, eggs, yum. Then we went on with our daily routine, doing laundry, feeding the animals, and putting away clothes. Gracie is not always so good with that because she thinks it is funny to dump the clothes that I have just folded out of the basket. Gracie always enjoys helping me do laundry she likes to push to wet clothes into the dryer. We put away groceries. Gracie likes to take the can goods and put them in the cupboard and we folded the paper bags and put them away. We then went into the living room and I put in the movie The Jungle Book so Gracie would be kind of content while I was getting ready for school. About a fourth of the way into the movie Gracie wants to see what I am doing so we go upstairs while I do my makeup. When I am finally all ready for the day we go downstairs and I make her lunch before I leave for school. I made her macaroni and cheese her almost favorite. Then we have gram pa get ready to watch her for the day while I am at school. We say bye, bye and I love you, and then I am on my way to school and don't get to see her until about eleven at night and by that time she should be in bed. :( So I get home and get her clothes ready for tomorrow. Try to get homework done before she awakes because it is almost virtually impossible to do homework with Gracie around, she like to take my books and paper and run off with them. Grammar and punctuation corrected.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Blog Possibilites

I am a student from OSU Newark and my major that I am studying right now is Early Education. I have been at the OSU Newark campus for two quarters. I really enjoy it so far. My experience has been has been good. There are some really cool professors here.
Some things that I really enjoy doing is spending time with my daughter Gracie. She will be two in March. She has blond hair and blue eyes, got to love them. When I am not busy with studying, working, or taking care of my daughter I am usually spending time with my friends or playing Guitar Hero. I am basically choosing to right about my family and life. About what might be happening at the time in my life. I might even choose to use this as somewhere for me to vent. So if i get a little mouthy please forgive me.